A Stitch in Time

Our Stitch project (looking at the way needlework and embroidery bring people together) started in Brent. A Stitch in Time was a giant wall hanging, created by groups of women across London in 2008 reflecting their thoughts and experience at different stages of their lives.
Click here to view a short film about its origins.
Women from Heba, Brick Lane, London, created images reflecting their roles as women. The Asian Women’s Resource Centre in Harlesden looked at friendship. Women in an Irish lunch club in Willesden presented their thoughts on marriage.
The wall hanging was designed and assembled by textiles artist, Nisha Chadha, who led workshops with groups participating. This was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, and the first work we did in the area of needlework and embroidery.
We subsequently developed the project Stitch, looking at the ways a shared interest in needlework and embroidery can break down social and cultural barriers and bring very diverse groups of people together. This followed on from the competition we ran in 2007 (the 60th anniversary of Indian independence) to create a British sari. (Click here for more on that.)
Created in partnership with Lorenzo Belenguer of The Gallery at Willesden Green.
Main photo by Mary Pritchard/BAR