
Our Trustee policy

Our Trustees will:
  • provide a creative contribution to the board by providing objective criticism
  • ensure that the Charity is governed correctly and responsibly.
  • provide general counsel and a different perspective on matters of concern.
On a practical level, this will involve discussions of:
  • strategic direction (to provide a creative and informed contribution and to act as a constructive critic in looking at the objectives and plans devised by the Chair of Trustees/Director)
  • monitoring (to monitor performance of executive management, in particular relating to achieving company strategy and objectives)
  • communication (to help connect the charity with networks of potentially useful people and organisations. Occasionally Trustees will represent the charity externally.
Responsibilities involve the need to:
  1. attend quarterly meetings
  2. focus on board matters rather than executive direction’ i.e. provide an independent view of the charity which is removed from its day to day running.
  3. bring to the charity:
  • independence
  • impartiality
  • wide experience
  • specialist knowledge
  • personal qualities.