Celebration cream tea as photography project moves forward

A wonderful afternoon at the Hall for Cornwall to round off this season’s THROUGH MY LENS workshops. A splendid cream tea – and a chance to meet the Royal Cornwall Hospital’s Communications Team member Adrian Pennington, who is going to make a film about our workshops and the photos taken. Watch this space for more.
In the meantime, we simply enjoyed the time together – and seeing each other again. A huge thank you to the Hall for Cornwall for arranging such a feast – and also for allowing us to venture into the theatre and have a photograph taken on the stage. It was the first time many – me included – had been backstage. High spirits on a sunny Friday in Truro as we waved ‘Hello’ to Cornwall (see above).
Very many thank yous to all involved- not least to photography tutor Mike Newman who worked so hard to make this project happen. The Hall for Cornwall for welcoming us in the cafe and theatre. The Royal Cornwall Museum and Penlee House, Penzance, for allowing us to visit and take photographs.
Biggest thanks of all, though, are due to our keen photographers who took time out of demanding and busy schedules at the hospital to join us and learn a little more about Cornwall.
Just a few comments today:
“I learned a lot during this activity, especially the rich history of Cornwall.”
“The most exciting part for me was when we went to Penzance. Aside from the photography session, we were able to have a bond over coffee, and a small chit chat outside our workplace made us happy.”
“I hope there will be more workshops as these are a breather for us.”