I Packed This Myself workshops feedback

We first rolled out I PACKED THIS MYSELF ten years ago in Cornwall.
Workshops with schools and community groups were thought-provoking and popular. Here’s some feedback.
Cornwall College, Saltash: spring 2011. Pat Lloyd, head of Student Services, writes: “… the exhibition and workshops have been very well received here this week. They have created quite a stir and have really highlighted the issues facing migrant workers and the fact that we are all migrants if we trace our origins back far enough….
A few of the comments from students:
‘ I now realise why migrant workers may leave their country for a better life. Also I realise now it’s not all unskilled migrants, you do have some with degrees who become doctors or lawyers. Very good presentation and it has changed my point of view.’
‘ It was very interesting and I didn’t know how hard it is for people to work in a foreign place and learn a new language. It was packed with information on things I didn’t know’
‘ It was very interesting and educational to hear about migrant workers’ ways of life It was also nice to talk to migrant workers and hear about their personal reasons for coming to the UK.’
‘ I enjoyed the talk because it has given me a different opinion on migrant workers and why they come to this country to work and that they don’t only come to this country to work, they also come to learn the language and get an education.’
‘Thank you very much for giving us the opportunity to have the exhibition and workshops and for raising awareness of the issues behind migrant workers.’