
STITCH explored the ways fabric, pattern needlework and embroidery shape people’s lives. We were together able to break down social and cultural barriers and bring very different groups of people together – people who might otherwise never meet, in fact.
We worked with Muslim women in Wandsworth and the Royal School of Needlework, faith groups in Harlesden and the V&A Museum. Click here to view a film made by photographer Monical Alcazar during our workshops in Harrow.
We also created an Education Pack for the workshops. Click here to download.
Project highlights:
– A Stitch in Time. Women of different ages embroidered panels about their lives. We created a giant wall hanging which went on display at The Gallery At Willesden Green. Here’s a short film about the project.
Filmmaker Monica Alcazar recorded an embroidery workshop and Valentine’s Day party in Harrow on YouTube.
– An exhibition at the Knitting and Stitching Show, Alexandra Palace.