Dancing at John Betts’ House in Hammersmith

Our dance and exercise sessions with residents at John Betts House, Hammersmith have just finished for the autumn (2o19)…. They were led by Italian dancer Simone Sistarelli….. John Betts House, run by Hammersmith United Charities, has wonderful gardens (above). There are more than 40 flats where residents can live independently.
Those who regularly attended the dance sessions loved them! Here’s what they said they liked:
- Clear instruction
- The instructor was informative about the reasons for the individual exercises, and very positive. There was no feeling of competitiveness
- Moving better
- Getting active
- I enjoyed the music and movement and felt better after!
- Everything!!
- Testing but not too painful
- They are great. The feel good factor is terrific
A huge thank you to LocalGiving for a grant towards this work.
Simone Sistarelli specialises in work with older people. One of his most important projects is one specializing in people suffering from Parkinson’s Disease. Click here to find out more about his work.
We’ve worked with him previously at the Masbro Centre, Hammersmith.